One of the most helpful tips I've gotten about cleaning with ADHD is to stop thinking of it like a task, and to remeber it's actually a cycle.
Like night and day and summer and winter, my home will be messy at times and it will be tidy at times, and one will follow the other.
It's helped get rid a lot of the stress and self recrimination I feel.
This is great. Some PSP enthusiasts are putting a HUGE PSP homebrew collection up on the Internet Archive. Over 3,000 so far and still ongoing.
I also discovered a plugin that enables state saving like you can do with emulators. So you can save your game whenever you want rather than at save points. Pretty neat.
I'm no techie, but if "major websites" are down then perhaps the problem isn't with the tech but with the fact that there's such a thing as a "major website"
There's no reason we all have to visit the same ten websites as each other every day, support the little guys
I like the way this place works, where there are lots of little sites and you can choose the ones you interact with, but they're all interlinked on a network, you know, like a kind of inter... net...?
People in England, you've got 25 days to opt out of your medical data being sold without your consent.
If you live in England and want to stop your GP data leaving your GP practice for purposes other than your direct care, it's just one form:
18+, No Minors
25 y/o
A non-binary Vampiric Dryad! My name is Annalise, Nice to meet you!
I play games and be lesbians on the internet. Fan of the Ar Tonelico series.
Writer and Conlang enthusiast. Vtuber
May be NSFW rarely
Icon Artist: @frogbiansVEVO on Birdsite, Frogbians on tumblr,