Open question to everyone on the fediverse who works from home:
What is working from home like? How has it affected your ability to relax at your "job site?"
And if you're comfortable saying, what sort of training/knowledge does your job require?
Someone thinking about trying to develop a skillset for working from home
daily reminder that you can *always* talk about your compensation with your coworkers. It's legally protected. If a boss tells you otherwise, it's time to turn tail and/or get them in trouble for labor violations~
When you optimise things for Big Tech you can end up screwing Small Tech.
(So don’t optimise things for Big Tech.)
our character is a Gold-Scaled Wyvern, she was teasing a mothgirl knight played by @elfi.
Final Fantasy XIV players enter mourning as Patch 6.01 smooths out blocky grapes - #FinalFantasyXIV:ARealmReborn #FinalFantasyXIV:Endwalker #FinalFantasyXIV #SquareEnix #MMO
18+, No Minors
25 y/o
A non-binary Vampiric Dryad! My name is Annalise, Nice to meet you!
I play games and be lesbians on the internet. Fan of the Ar Tonelico series.
Writer and Conlang enthusiast. Vtuber
May be NSFW rarely
Icon Artist: @frogbiansVEVO on Birdsite, Frogbians on tumblr,