So @elfi is the cutest of all cuties!
@deejvalen dgkdjhgmkjdsDGTJKHG aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ;;
@SophicLeech kldhgdlDFHLDJGLKDFSD
@SophicLeech dfdgjklhdfglhgfglfhgl >//////<
18+, No Minors
25 y/o
A non-binary Vampiric Dryad! My name is Annalise, Nice to meet you!
I play games and be lesbians on the internet. Fan of the Ar Tonelico series.
Writer and Conlang enthusiast. Vtuber
May be NSFW rarely
Icon Artist: @frogbiansVEVO on Birdsite, Frogbians on tumblr,