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What would you do if a foxgirl had broken in to your house and had the hungies?

I'd give her anything she'd want from the fridge and give headpats

Huh, apparently the creator of YuruYuri has drawn senko. heh

Is it ok for me to just try to tune out the horrible stuff happening in the world right now, I wonder...
I mean I escaped here because being reminded of it got too overwhelming for me...

There’s not enough foxgirls on the fediverse, petition for more foxgirls and foxgirl artists to join

I guess we'll see if Lunduke's Linux Sucks 2020 video will get people to harass me and the other Glimpse maintainers again like his video on Glimpse did.

don't mind my occasional boosts of foxgirl art lol

Kinda funny with word order n stuff, writing this in English with Japanese word order would be like
I Japanese study doing am.

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I’m still feeling emotionally fatigued after the anxiety attack yesterday, I hope it’s over soon so I can get back to doing stuff

mental health 

All the bad stuff happening in the world rn really got to me last night. Ended up with a really bad anxiety attack which lasted for hours. I’ve gotten 4 hours of sleep...

Taking a break from twitter, so heyo here I am. Will be more active here for a while.

Remember to drink water

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.