@Clipsey jesus christ what kind of nixos drama happened this time?

@hexchen "didn't happen here, also removing packages of software made by openly transphobic and xenophobic/racist people is a slippery slope" kind of deal.

As the target audience of Inochi2D is in part maginalized creators I don't want the official branding to be present on NixOS.

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@Clipsey hmmm, I expected worse tbh. there has been a lot of drama around code of conduct and how to deal with shitty people in the nixos community itself, I kinda expected a continuation of that.
honestly, I kinda agree with grahamc and alyssais; and I trust their values and intentions.
still, fair of you to request inochi2d branding to not be part of the in-repo publishing; i trust the nixos community to respect that tbh.
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