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I think my posts should be legally recognized as an act of terrorism

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Posting absolute garbage, just absolutely rancid posts, completely deranged, inexcusable acts of straight up terrorism

Seeing my own posts boosted is like when a dog sees themself in a mirror and starts barking

Before 2006 ends anyone wanna tell me if they have a crush on me

Some day someone will think I'm actually funny, and that day will spell the end of the world as we know it

Misinformation, Cognitohazard 

I'm a little teapot short and stout

The feds are taking my phone because my posts are seditious material

Actionable threat 

I am going to suck off the president

No you have a problem!
- me after being called out for drinking pasta sauce from a can

Harassing you all by posting nonsense in quick succession

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