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This pride month arm and train non-binary people with medieval military weaponry.

Oh, you're an ally? I mean that's cool I guess, but this is the third time you've told me that during this lunch break

reproductive health meme 

Who wants this?

Sometimes you are petting the cat
Sometimes you are the cat being pet

retoot if you think trans mascs are cute, I wanna try something ☺️

careful fellow parents, "it's morbin time' is a codeword kids use to remind each other to take their hrt! #WokeMarvel

just found some lip gloss that says its "tested on boys, not animals"

i like the idea of femboy test subjects tbh

can i have one? for science ofc

“Violence is never the answer” is a common refrain from people who have never been forced to fight for their lives and I, for one, am tired of society taking this refrain seriously when it comes from people privileged enough to have never been in these kinds of positions.


Still can't believe this guy invented communism smh

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