:over18: vantaboobs, FediPact :over18: 

bet you wouldn't be able to post something like this on threads!!!

:over18: vantaboobs, FediPact :over18: 

now, the real question.... do i boost this from the official account 🤔

:over18: vantaboobs, FediPact :over18: 

me six months ago: afraid of accidentally boosting her nudes from the official fedipact account

me now: taking nudes SPECIFICALLY to boost on the official fedipact account

:over18: vantaboobs, FediPact :over18: 

pretty sure the idea for this started as an intrusive thought lmaooo

:over18: vantaboobs, FediPact :over18: 

so happy i got to put together two awesome things (vantaboobs and fedipact) and make them even awesomer

:over18: vantaboobs, FediPact :over18: 


my vantaboobs

:over18: vantaboobs, FediPact :over18: 

if my tits were actually the deciding factor in even one person deciding to defederate threads that'd be extremely funny lmao


you are fucking amazing. hell yeah! @vantablack

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