
My worst nightmare is that I am trying to present something and the computer fans start hitting max power and there is nothing I can do about it. Thanks to integrated per-component fans being handled by whatever proprietary firmware module even knows it exists, there is no current operating system that can treat all fans equally at the software level and throttle them to prevent noise. The best you can do is stop presenting, reboot, and pray that whatever was triggering the fan speed increase has stopped.

Linux users might try to say otherwise, pretending that CPU fans are the only fans that exist (fancontrol, etc), but there really isn't any way to universally adjust all fans regardless of how they are connected because they simply aren't connected the same way at the hardware level (pray to amdgpu, nvidia, to just 'handle it' with a bunch of magic thermal numbers).

@thufie i didn't even know there was a non-specialised (thinkfan) linux fan control software, lol

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