That AIPAC isn't registered as a foreign agent while spending $100M to openly harass candidates on behalf of a foreign genocidal government, but all we hear about are "election interference" from Russia and China, is wild 🙄

@timnitGebru AIPAC is primarily a product of evangelical american christian funding? Why would it be a foreign agent?

@thufie because it’s working on behalf of the interests of a foreign country’s government. Why would you have to register yourself under FARA as such if you do that for China or Russia, but not Israel?


uspol, well here's what I think about it 

@timnitGebru The only reason is the US wouldn't invent the nation-states of China or Russia if they didn't already exist. The only countries congress has political will to enforce FARA against are cold war ghosts from the looks of it. It isn't exactly viewed as foreign when weaponizing Jewish identity has been government policy for a few decades now. There's coastal oil reserves involved, after all (disputed with Lebanon).

Certain US politicians (Trump and many others) have so much as outright said that American Jews are just supposed to become Israelis, with implications of treasonous behavior should we reject dual loyalty as an official line. For a certain US politician, it's their only official answer to "the Jewish Question"... Since actual coexistence is best seen by them as a temporary affliction, against their Christian tastes. America as a Christian nation, etc. A way to encourage us going away while trying to look good doing it.

· Edited · · Tusky · 1 · 0 · 1

re: uspol, well here's what I think about it 

@timnitGebru Also I would like to add that I do not like any possible implications that Israel is directly calling the shots here with American lobbyists. It's the other way around and a message to the relevant powerful parties in the Knesset (like Likud), American interests setting the tune for them to dance. Convenient kinds of Israelis (like very racist IDF chuds) get brought in as showpieces for what are fundamentally American (nation-state) interests. Whether they be financial or apocalyptic.

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