@reese when I lived in a tiny ex-urb, in the spring time, the city has a pothole hotline. They printed the number in the paper, and they'd send someone to fill it within a week or so if you called during 'pothole season'.
An article like that sounds cool! I wonder how much money potholes cost in damages to transit systems, and I'd love to hear how long the average pothole goes unfilled. I wonder if there is a standard based on size?
Idk if it's useful, but here's a couple resources:
It looks like the city of Minneapolis has a page here: https://www.minneapolismn.gov/report-an-issue/pothole/
Here's an article with a nice illustration for how they form: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Schematic-diagram-of-pothole-formation_fig1_331938195
This one is also nice, I like how the expanded ice clearly compacts the ground under the road, really showing what the road collapses into.