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I realize I don't think I introduced myself.

Hi, I'm Starless. I am usually a soft human who likes building things, spaces, and worlds. Sometimes I paint, sometimes I program, and sometimes I do leatherwork. When my hearing is behaving, I'll sometimes make music, too.

I've built a few technical projects. Lately, I've been working on getting portable receipt printers to make cool stuff (like fortunes and quests). I have some background in manufacturing and medical devices.

starless boosted

Quite some years ago (2006-08), we brought the #OLPC AKA the 100$ laptop to Ethiopia as pilot. A surprising thing happened. The laptops were often without battery power in the morning. A thing that wasn’t anticipated. It had two reasons. One was the keyboard LED (it was removed in later series). It was used by the parents to have a light at home. The other was a bigger surprise. The parents used the mesh networking to discuss market prices for their produce. Fascinating. 1/8

(also, this is the song I was trying to sing, with the clip timed to start in the right spot: )

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bad relationships, introspection, cooly-distant liberation, gender themes 

The vocals are a little lost. Sorry about that.

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So, like, I forgot the words to a song today. And most of the melody.

The only thing I remembered about it was that it was in Shrek. At the end. Somewhere?? And that the first two notes were a G and a D.

I assumed I was just singing that song (but had simply forgotten the lyrics) when I wrote this song.


Anyways, I'll reply with the music so it can have its own CW.

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I wrote this important thread, please read if you can and boost for visibility. :boost_ok:

Here's how to react if someone is having a generalized tonic-clonic seizure in front of you!

Different situations are taken into account to give as much info as possible.

starless boosted

Thanks to efforts by volunteers Nosamu and bai0, the Internet Archive's flash emulation just jumped generations ahead.

Mute/Unmute works. The screen resizes based on the actual animation's information. And for a certain group who will flip their lid:

We can do multi-swf flash now!

A pile of previously "broken" flashes will join the collection this week.

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@funnypanja here's a digital version that wasn't done with the 5 felt-tips I had to hand on a foolscap pad.

starless boosted

Partially blind guy here with an #a11y PSA:

I'm seing a trend away from "Text Size" sliders or old fashioned font dialogs and towards a few set choices "Default", "Large","Larger", etc.

This is a HUGE step backwards. Your 'larger' is *never* large enough for my crazy busted eyeballs when I'm using my 34" monitor.

If you must do this, please be sure to add "Largest" and even "ZOMG ARE YOU SERIOUS LARGE" options. Some of us REALLY need them, even if it seems insane to you.

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I’m a Blind technologist and i’ve built the Dimensions Lab for #accessible tactile graphics and #3d models at New York Public Library. With the right tools, skill-building opps and community support, Blind people can break out of image poverty and excel at spatial thinking + design. This is me waving hello to folks in #Vis #Art #Graphics & #CreativeCoding

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This is wild! Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis have created a prototype real-time monitor that can detect any of the SARS-CoV-2 virus variants in a room in about 5 minutes. They adapted a micro-immunoelectrode to use llama nanobodies that recognize SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins combined with a wet-cyclone sampler running at 1000 l/m. They oxidize tyrosines on the virus surface and measure with square wave voltammetry. #Covid

starless boosted

Seriously, speaking as someone who goes to a lot of small regional
prides as a vendor or a participant, if you live in a comparatively large city and are complaining bitterly about “corporate Pride,” there’s a ton of little Prides out there happy to have your volunteer time and financial support. Especially when they’re getting targeted for harassment and other b.s. while the sheer size and “corporateness” of the big ones provides some level of protection. 🙄😠

starless boosted

Please consider donating: Help him fight back.

These White cosplayers stole an Indigenous language, copywrite it, & are now selling it back to the Indigenous community at exorbitant rates.

They recorded his grandmother speaking & now they are taking legal action to prevent him from accessing the language & *speaking his own language.* He is a language instructor.

#Indigenous #Native #NativeAmericanLanguage #LanguageRevitalization #RayTakenalive

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Fun fact: You can make your own #Amiibo at home, and they work in #TotK and any other game! You can also make them pretty, if you're crafty. I just don't care enough rn to put the time in. lol

To make them, you just need a phone with NFC support (yours probably has it) and NTAG215 stickers. I put mine in these little plastic coins to protect them. They work like a charm and are a much more affordable way to collect in-game content locked behind Amiibos--especially the ones that are harder to track down.

starless boosted

Hi Fedinerds, I need your help. I have a #Thinkpad X240 that sometimes randomly refuses to boot up with the Error "1802: Unauthorized network card is plugged in"

The thing is, the network card in there is the original card, and sometimes it does boot successfully. So I think the error message is some kind of error itself, caused by something only being sometimes wrong, that causes the Scan for the network card to go bad.

I can't even boot into the BIOS, no matter what I press, I get the Error code.

Anyone got any ideas? Boosts would be appreciated, I really wanna be able to use this Laptop more consistently

starless boosted

US covid test recall 

“SD Biosensor, Inc. today is requesting that consumers stop using and dispose of specific Pilot COVID-19 At-Home Tests in the United States because potentially harmful bacteria were found in the tube with liquid inside (pouch 2 of the kits). “

Lot numbers at the link:

starless boosted

annoyed at white nonsense 

ah, getting worked up at the phenomenon of white people doing that thing where they apologize on behalf of other white people when i am wishing for the tiniest amount of solidarity, but they are too inculcated in the act of closing ranks with their own and showing solidarity for white people instead.

(this is not a subtoot, i just experienced this with an off-fedo encounter. but if you feel guilty about it, i don't want to fucking hear it, go talk to your cat or your white friends about your feelings.)

starless boosted

Our society has a problem with grief.

For one, our society's institutions don't teach much about grief or how to support others through it or how to deal with grief in a healthy way.

Second, our society doesn't provide time for grief. People are barely given any leave for a death of a loved one, and there's no time given at all for grief that stems from other issues like: grief from discriminatory laws that harm us, grief from mass death and disablement, grief from people failing to treat disabled people as worthy of life, grief from my continuing loss of physical activities, etc.

Grief requires us to be present in the moment. It requires us to acknowledge our emotions. It requires us to seek the source of the grief and acknowledge its existence. It requires us to be kind to ourselves and allow space for the grief. It requires us to adjust our life to heal from the source of our grief. It requires us to act to address the harm that caused the grief.

All of these actions oriented around grief makes us more aware, more conscious of the actions done to us and what we do to others, and pushes us further down a path toward liberation.

Acknowledging, addressing, giving time for, and acting upon grief makes us Less productive for the capitalist machine. Because grief strips away the distortions that muddle our ability to see what we face.

Grief forces us to see the source of our grief. When we acknowledge the source of our grief, this gives us space to act and change/adapt as needed, so that we may find healing and/or find a way to alter the source so that it no longer causes harm and induces grief.

This is one way we can learn to recognize the harm capitalist has done through the fact it is a source of our complex sets of grief.

To recognize, to acknowledge, and address the source of our grief means dealing with the harm of oppression from the current capitalist colonialist white supremacist systems that harm us and cause upwellings of grief.

So it is crucial for us to gather collectively to recognize and acknowledge our shared grief over these myriad, harmful issues and oppressive institutions and actions.

Then we must collectively seek ways to act to address the source of our grief. To change it toward a healthier, more healing, more equitable, more just set of actions and ways of being. Which in turn alleviates the grief.

That's a part of liberation that I wish we would discuss more.

#Grief #Liberation

starless boosted

Did you know that 78 RPM was only a suggestion for the first few years of phonographs? If a record was recorded at a different speed, it changes the key of the song to play back at 78. A remarkable website allows you to tweak the playback of old recordings to get the speed right, and to take out hiss & pops and to simulate room tone. It’s like colorization for music. This is the instructional video for the collection. #Edison #Cylinders #78RPM #MusicalHeritage

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starless boosted

police and us gov brutality resources 

are there like resources for folks who get attacked by police or swat or whatever gov forces exist but are not their intended target?

pro bono lawyers, therapists, etc?

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