
Regarding the Docker registry limiting its unauthenticated pulls...

If you're also using npm, you have a contingency plan for when that starts getting limited too, right? Right?

(It has grown with the exact same unsustainable commercial model)

@joepie91 the npm one honestly feels a lot more difficult to deal with.

Like, it's a lot easier to build your container images from scratch than it is to write all your npm dependencies from scratch.

I guess both issues can be mitigated similarly with a caching proxy/mirror but npm may very well hit the nightmare scenario where all the packages spread to a bunch of different providers and you have to go chasing broken links across all your projects as packages move locations.

@rune It *would* have been trivial to fix if npm had, at any point in its lifetime, added proper support for cross-registry dependencies, as has been suggested many times...

But of course it didn't, because they're a commercial party, and there's a business interest in keeping things centralized and locked in...

@joepie91 yeah, no doubt npm are better at being an evil corporation than docker. Docker is unmonetizable outside of their desktop GUI that developers seem to love for no reason

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