PSA: When liquid soap (including body wash, shampoo, shower gel, ...) says it's "99% biodegradable", that is meaningless greenwashing.

Liquid soaps are mostly water by volume, so *all* of them hit high percentages here, whether they advertise it or not. The problem is the 1% of additives, which are often plastics.

If you want something that is environmentally better than average, you need to look for *100%* biodegradable soaps.

@joepie91 Why would one add plastics to a soap?

(The old commonly greenwashed issue was, some detergents, particulary a number of types marketed for laundry, would be so biodegradable that, dumped to bodies of freshwater, they'd cause aggressive blooming of water plants.)


@riley In shampoo, for example, plastics are sometimes used to produce a 'shiny' film on your hair. Shower gel sometimes uses it for mixed-in 'massage beads'. And so on. The exact application varies.

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@joepie91 @riley it's incredibly sneaky how often one bottle of the shampoo/conditioner set will say "silicone free", but the other doesn't

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