politics, activism, Anonymous
Oh look, the "Anonymous Official" shithead who has been falsely claiming the credit for other people's work within Anonymous (and conning journalists) for over a decade, is posting fascist propaganda now.
Completely unsurprised.
politics, activism, Anonymous (3)
(The reason this kind of grift works is pretty much exclusively because of journalists who desperately insist that there MUST be a leader *somewhere* and who simply will not accept "no, there isn't one" and so end up publishing whatever is claimed by the first person who brands themselves as a leader)
politics, activism, Anonymous (3)
@joepie91 "I'm not a leader, obviously anarchists have no leader, I'm just the spokesperson for all anarchists worldwide. We had a meeting to decide and everything"
politics, activism, Anonymous
For a bit of context for those who aren't very familiar with what Anonymous actually is: this is like someone creating a bunch of accounts named "Anarchists Official", claiming to be the spokesperson of all anarchists worldwide, and then posting a bunch of fascist garbage.