Pet peeve: FOSS projects which depend on closed/proprietary/hosted systems for their development process because "we do not have the capacity to maintain all this stuff ourselves".

Ever heard of the concept of 'solidarity' and cross-project collaboration? Why are you assuming that you, as a sole project, must fix these issues on your own? Why haven't you sought collaboration with others who have the same problem, and distributed the workload?

@joepie91 eh, I can excuse it. the ideological purity is nice but often doesn't survive contact with the realities of actually getting work done. as long as you put the effort in to make the project accessible it's fine. I've got a thousand times as many spoons available for dealing with RE'ing low-friction proprietary tools than I have for constantly wrestling with open tools that have bad UX and maintainers who are either burned out or apathetic to my use-case.

@joepie91 I think it's easy to think "oh why didn't you collaborate with xyz" in terms of deduplicating technical effort, but harder to recognise that there's a ton of orchestration and emotional labour that goes into those collaborations, plus a fair likelihood of incompatible goals or ethos. the interpersonal side alone can feel as much of a burden as an entire project.

@gsuberland I am well aware of this, and waving away these concerns as being down to "ideological purity" is very much a part of the pet peeve.

@joepie91 I'm not waving it down to just that point, hence the clarification.


@gsuberland My point is that the entire assumption of it being about 'ideological purity' is misplaced. And I have heard these exact same arguments a million times, particularly about "the realities of actually getting work done" and the common factor has always been that the people declaring it impossible never made a serious effort to see if it actually was.

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@joepie91 @gsuberland

i just think some people get triggered, but there are many who do agree with this line of thought and signalling to those is important to become aware of each other and start collaborating.

maybe some who cant or dont yet adopt open source all the way cn join later, when a coalition of willing early adopters paved the path 🙂

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