duck duck fedi, how do I lock information (think a password) away so I can access it anymre out of like, impulsive reasons or what ever but if I really would need it for proper reasons again, I can still get to it?
(without relying on external beings, cause we feel like that's not reliable enough)

@daughterofrao I would lock it behind something that takes a lot of effort to get past. Whether physical (eg. a deposit box in a city far away) or virtual (eg. a difficult math puzzle, or arduous string to type out by hand). Enough effort that it's not worth it impulsively.


@daughterofrao (The inspiration for this is StayFocusd's "nuclear mode" which hard-blocks a configured list of sites as well as its own settings panel, and you can only get past it by typing out a long string with special characters that's shown on the screen)

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