health update, transplantation 

As things are looking right now, I will be getting a new kidney tomorrow!

health update, transplantation 

Transplantation day today! Here's to hoping it all goes well.

health update, transplantation (3) 

Surgery expected to start in about an hour, they just came in for prep.

health update, transplantation (4) 

Currently en route in hospital bed

health update, transplantation (5) 

Now waiting in the anesthesia room

SUCCESS!, health update, transplantation (6) 

Hello from post-surgery recovery room. Surgery was textbook, everything working, currently breakfasting with tea, cheese sandwiches, yoghurt/vla mix and lemonade. And laptop of course because I cannot sit still.

Doctors were - as per tradition - somewhat baffled about me going from "awake" to "fully functioning and conscious" in like 5 minutes. I asked if I got a recovery highscore (while reassuring them I don't intend to rush).

The answer: "you're definitely pretty close."

SUCCESS!, health update, transplantation (6) 

Woot! Glad it went well, impressed you're so quickly alert.
I hope.your recovery continues as gently!


re: SUCCESS!, health update, transplantation (6) 

@silvermoon82 It was an objective I had set for myself, in light of my lifelong experiments of brain/body control (beyond what people tend to believe is possible) and it appears to have worked out

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