Yeah so I'm fairly sure by this point that I have *some* form of EDS. But I'm not sure what exactly, and it doesn't help that I don't have the infamous bendy limbs
@joepie91 Me too - or if not EDS, just something wonky going on with connective tissue in a way which doesn't fit neatly into an existing diagnosis. I'm incredibly unbendy due to muscle tightness, and consider it a reasonably likely hypothesis that the muscle tightness might have developed in response to lax joints.
@3TomatoesShort My reason for concluding 'EDS' was basically watching, playing along at home, and getting several full bingo cards in the process (though the suspicions had been there for longer)
Oh gosh this bit is so relatable:
"So I started going to the doctors ... *Huge, exhausted sigh*"