
the assassin, question 

So uh, do we believe that the guy who got arrested is actually the shooter?

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the assassin, question 

@joepie91 Is there any reason to believe otherwise?

the assassin, question 

@aylamz There are quite a lot of oddities in the story (slightly mismatched appearance, apparently carrying all the evidence, deliberately identifying with a fake ID that the feds know about, etc.) so I've been left wondering.

It seems pretty clear that the guy wanted to be found, but what's less clear to me is whether he actually is the shooter, since if he wanted to be found, there would've been easier ways to do that?

re: the assassin, question 

@aylamz @joepie91 could very much have just arrested a guy who was similar enough to cover their ass
but idrk

the assassin, question 

@joepie91 yeah, I mean why else hand the cops the same fake ID the shooter used in NYC? Only a remote chance he's a fall guy deliberately pretending to be the shooter.

the assassin, question 

@joepie91 does seem like it given the context.

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