the assassination 

In a bit of news that should surprise absolutely nobody, the singular 'internet sleuth' who tried to snitch on the shooter was... a software engineer.

the assassination (2), positive 

That having been said, reading the discourse in various comment sections is making me extremely hopeful for the future.

There are so many genuine ethical discussions happening everywhere right now, seemingly across the political spectrum, and without the usual thought-terminating cliches; instead, people are taking the time to explain their ethical considerations in detail.


the assassination (3), positive 

Honestly, I think the discussions about this event give us a glimpse of what is possible when media outlets aren't (succeeding at) generating misleading political framing and 'false polarization'.

· · Web · 1 · 7 · 26

the assassination (3), positive 

@joepie91 well the thing happening in real life means that all the rhetorical tricks about subtly (or unsubtly) redefining the scenario don't work

the assassination (3), positive 

@joepie91 that being said I really haven't immersed myself in this discourse much

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