
that shooting, surveillance 

Various US media seem extremely busy trying to convince people in their coverage that there is no way to escape the CCTV and facial recognition in the city, presumably to scare off others, and it would be extremely funny if it then turns out that their facial recognition shit doesn't work to find the shooter

that shooting, surveillance 


Anybody know what those hats, coats, and backpack are by make and model?

There have got to be a lot of people having that Spartacus feeling

that shooting, surveillance 

@joepie91 I know Denmark has quite good surveilance for people escaping in cars and other license plated vehicles, because it's really easy to put up license scanners on central roads and detecting when they leave a certain geographical area, but I wouldn't be surprised if facial recognition and general access to CCTV data is surprisingly lacking for pedestrian and bicycle tracking.

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