Pondering how much of "people being weirdly defensive of corporations" is because people are wired to anthropomorphize everything, and corporations are just very good at evoking that process and the associated empathy, because of how well-resourced they are, unlike the actual people affected by them

@joepie91 I think it's sometimes more of a thing of "I like X a lot and have consolidated liking X into my identity, so people criticizing X are by extention criticizing me."

Doesn't even have to be the exact company, if you for example love fuck off big Ford trucks and I say that the VW Amarok is a danger to other drivers because it is so long and wide, you with your fuck off big Ford might take some offense.

But that's just my theory.


@mdstevens0612 I don't think that's it. That does happen, sure, but most of the weird defensiveness I see is not of specific corporations or categories of them, but rather of corporations *in general*; where in basically any conflict between a consumer and a company they would immediately start going on about how the company needs to 'protect their interests' etc. without any recognition of the power dynamics involved, as if the company is a poor person getting shafted

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@joepie91 Ah I get you. Yeah, personification of corporations apply. And not to be too much of a brocialist about it but yeah, most people growing up in a capitalist system while also being relatively comfortable in it will uphold it until they have reason not to. Also just propaganda. McDonalds ran such a successful smear campaign off the hot coffee incident that people still think Americans will just sue for any little thing, instead of like, a company having ruined a woman's life.

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