PSA: personal health, surgery and risks, availability 

If all goes to plan, I will be receiving a kidney transplantation on November 12 (2024), followed by an unknown recovery period. What to expect:

After the transplantation, I will not be around online for a while; this could be anywhere from a few days to a few months depending on how well (or not) the surgery goes. Even after I return, I will likely be avoiding stress for a while, which also means I may drop out of things unannounced.

In the time leading up to the transplantation, I will become less and less consistently available, and you may see me around less, as I deal with the preparations for the surgery.

I'm receiving a kidney from a living donor, under pretty much best-case circumstances (no dialysis), so the chance of success is high, and the chance of complications is low, but it is not zero. Likewise, survival chance is high but not 100%.

If the transplantation succeeds, I will be able to live a mostly normal life, but I will be on immunosuppressive medicine for the rest of my life. Among other things, this means that you're probably only going to see me at (hacker) events that take sufficient precautions against COVID and the like.

So if you want me and other immunocompromised folks around at those events, ask organizers to take those precautions! Ventilation/filtering and CO2 measurement is a good baseline.

If you have any questions about all this, feel free to ask, but I may or may not have the spoons to answer them.


Update re: health and surgery 

Transplantation has not occurred yet. It has been delayed due to some weird blood values (high calcium, low white blood cells) that they want to investigate further, and I am currently awaiting results. So far, it's a lot of "nothing found".

New transplantation date TBD.

Update 2 re: health and surgery 

New transplantation date is January 14!

Update re: health and surgery 

@joepie91 Here’s to your values returning to normal soon and that transplantation happening right after!

Update re: health and surgery 

@ClaudetteK It seems that they're currently wanting to figure out why my calcium levels suddenly spiked so hard, to make sure that there's not an underlying hidden issue at play

Update re: health and surgery 

@joepie91 Prudent, and understandable. But the postponement is not great.

Update re: health and surgery 

@joepie91 I thought you were back at home fast!
Hopefully you'll get a green light soon! ❤️

Update 2 re: health and surgery 

@joepie91 good luck!

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