For some reason this hadn't occurred to me before, but I guess that basically every messaging and chat platform nowadays is just a HTTP or WebSocket API? Instead of a custom protocol?

@joepie91 add WebRTC to the list, and i think the most important reason is that the web is just the main way of making apps now. desktop apps are web browsers, too, just with a preloaded app and extra APIs available. and if you need to make APIs work for the web, why bother maintaining multiple?

@lnl Yep, that's pretty much how I looped around to "huh. I guess custom protocols are dead" - the fact that everything seems to have a web-based version now

@joepie91 @lnl "HTTPS is the new TCP"?

In other words, a well defined set of things that can be transported over HTTP can be seen as a protocol. Yeah, we usually call those API's. And it's not exactly the same thing. But it's not that different.


@Peetz0r @lnl Oh, sure. But "protocol" in messenger implementation parliance tends to have a more specific meaning :)

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