subtoot of many, frustrated 

Jesus christ people. Someone explicitly tells you why they can't use open-source stuff for its poor accessibility, and you all choose to respond by going "it's not that bad"? What is wrong with you??? How do you STILL miss the fucking point of the post

subtoot of many, frustrated (2) 

Like, I assign great value to the ideas behind open-source, but it's shit like this that makes me wonder whether I actually want to have
anything to do with the broader "open-source community" because it sometimes feels like nobody wants to ask themselves any questions beyond the


subtoot of many, frustrated (3) 

And yes I *will* bite if you try to take this thread as an invitation to continue arguing the point, and you are going to get the unfiltered version of my criticism, so you should make very very sure that that is actually what you want before trying to dispute this

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violence mention, subtoot of many, frustrated (3) 

@joepie91 Robert is one of my favorite people on here and I just want to reach through the screen and throttle the people being clueless assholes in his mentions

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