
some plans for accessibility testing 

For a social media project I'm working on (no, not another Twitter clone, don't worry), I have some improved accessibility testing plans, on top of the 'obvious' (Firefox accessibility issue tester, WAVE evaluation):

1. Enable Firefox devtools' color-blind mode during normal usage of the site myself; switching between different simulation modes every few days or so. Then see if anything annoys me.

2. Do the same thing but with JS disabled. See if everything keeps working as expected (some things may not work because they actually cannot be made to work without JS, like real-time chat things).

3. Probably eventually doing the same thing but with a screenreader. This is a bigger endeavour due to my own auditory processing issues and the somewhat flaky state of screenreaders on Linux, so I may not *actually* be able to do this one myself.

If you have other ideas or feedback, feel free to suggest them! Support for mobile (or more accurately, small-screen) devices is out of scope to begin with, but that will change over time and I *am* doing my best not to paint myself into a corner on that.

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