ranting, 'frontend', web development 

When I was younger, I used to enjoy reading articles about web development. About new CSS or browser features, novel ways of solving issues, browser compatibility things, and so on. Most of the sites and blogs with these articles were maintained by enthusiasts. There was so much cool stuff to discover and learn!

Now the whole "frontend" (what happened to "web development"? Not everything is a damn app) world has been taken over by fancy VC-funded startups so hard that you almost can't read an article about anything "frontend" without it trying to goad you into some proprietary service or "pattern" that's tailored around a specific company's offerings - and I can't even link most resources to others without implicitly advertising some tech company with a higher body count than some governments.

And if you manage to avoid *those*, you then end up on the Deep Philosophical Thoughts of Very Smart Men who have never in their lives looked at anything from the perspective of anyone besides themselves. And they probably are working for those *same fucking companies*, too.

This fucking sucks. I want to learn new things from other folks with nothing up their sleeves again. From enthusiasts who tinker and discover. Who might have a different perspective. And who actually enjoy the process.


ranting, 'frontend', web development 

And to make this explicit, though I suspect it'd be implicitly understood by most: that means I want to learn more new things from women, non-binary creatures, Black folks, disabled folks, plural collectives, and so on, and so forth, everybody who tends to get drowned out of the Tech Discourse(tm).

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