hey dont tell people "holy shit your phone is old you should get a new one, the security issues!!!!"

do you really think i am happy that my phone that ive only had for six years doesnt get security updates despite working fine?

do you think i can afford to replace it?

"well then you should get a dumb phone and use your laptop for other things"

are you fucking kidding me? really? 1) my laptop is even older, it's 17", and takes like 5 minutes to start up, im not carrying that everywhere and 2) MOST THINGS DONT HAVE FUNCTIONAL WEBSITES ANYMORE

and really, do you think i should have to afford to replace it?

there is no reason my Pixel 3, which runs apps PERFECTLY FINE, should be abandoned to the ages. it's also one of the few Pixel models that cant even be given a new OS, since no one has worked out all the model-specific issues with it.

there is no reason i shouldnt still be getting updates, and no reason i shouldnt be able to easily switch to GrapheneOS or something else.

stop calling me a bad user for being 1) poor and 2) unwilling to give in to manipulative capitalist planned obsolesence. yell at the people making these decisions. my phone is intact after six years. im proud of that and i will use this until it goes spicy pillow.

PS give us back battery replacing, SD cards, and headphone jacks

you know what else? the charging port should be an easily replaced standard module.

we dont have to go full modular phone, that hasnt worked the last few times people tried but like, things like charging port and screen should be standard, easily replaced parts by now since those are the parts that break the most

@rachaelspooky Having seen the internals of a Fairphone, I'm convinced that it would be totally viable to legally mandate repairable designs (to at least that level) for modern phones


@rachaelspooky (As in, none of that "modern phones are too complicated and optimized to be made repairable" nonsense from manufacturers)

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@joepie91 @rachaelspooky also I don't think the security update thing is actually that bad

Google Play Services are updated for old models, and you can still run a modern browser that has security bugs fixed, so you can defend yourself against web exploit kits.

If you're not running APKs from sketchy websites or the malware that sometimes is in the Play Store you're probably fine.

the largest risk with smartphones are scams and those work regardless of updates :p

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