: please recommend me (open-source) relational databases that are easy to run and *do not* use SQL.

(ORMs are not an acceptable solution, I am looking for something that is designed from the start to not use SQL)

@joepie91 if you're in a mood to answer, why?

Closest thing that comes to mind would be RethinkDB, which is apparently still alive. Was pretty nice last time I used it (a decade or so ago)


@virtulis I find SQL to be one of the worst designed languages I have ever worked with, and it makes everything I do several times more complicated than it needs to be, basically.

Kind of surprised to hear that RethinkDB is still around and open-source, to be honest, I thought that'd met an untimely end years ago!

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@joepie91 same! I guess it still has its connoisseurs :)

And agree on sql, although I only hate the syntax, and what it needs is a better language with a full feature parity to translate back into it, at least at first. Can't see myself ditching Postgres as a backend for anything significant.

GraphQL is somehow even worse though.

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