
the "Project 2025" thing, addressing reader 

I'm sure that there are many on here that I don't need to tell this. But in case you haven't been following what's going on with the "Project 2025" thing:

It's a plan for a coup, to install a repressive dictatorship and police state in the US. Not metaphorically, not implicitly, but *literally*. Completely deconstructing all checks and balances and centralizing all government power into one person, Trump.

This is an actual, real threat - and a lot of the conservative crap lately ties directly into this plan.

So if you don't normally get very involved with politics, and have to choose only one political thing to care about, let it be this one. This is the fascist coup in the making.

And most importantly, you need to figure out at what point you're willing to use force and potentially violence to prevent this from happening. Figure it out fast.

I can't make that decision for you, but you need to have *some* answer to that question ready ahead of time. Don't leave it as "I'll figure it out when it comes to that", because then you'll be too late to prepare.

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