a thing I have learned about my brain 

Over the years I've started 'designing upfront' for the software I write more and more. And this is broadly a good thing, but one problematic effect it's had, is that the actual *writing code* part frequently gets stuck on mental blocks.

The design part is fine! But putting it into code became more and more difficult, and it felt like the amount of stuff I *actually* got done went down.

So as it turns out, my brain needs to see a thing 'working' to be able to continue focusing on it and being motivated about working on it. It doesn't have to *actually* work, it can be completely fabricated behaviour, it just needs to *look* like it works.

So... over the past two weeks I've been getting a lot of shit done in my projects, by writing the absolute most fake implementation of things where everything is simulated with `console.log`s (but according to the architectural design!), and then gradually replacing parts of the code with bits that actually do the work.


re: a thing I have learned about my brain 

I assume that this is probably an thing, and it's kind of absurd how well it works, given that I'm fully aware of the deception involved.

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re: a thing I have learned about my brain 

@joepie91 I've experienced similar, my sense is that (at least for me) it's more of a working memory issue (which I'd also attribute to ADHD).

If I start building a new complex system with many parts that all need to connect, I feel like I need to hold that whole system in my head to work on any piece of it, which overwhelms me. Once I get a hacky framework in place I can focus on small pieces individually and feel confident the connections will line up.

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