For no particular reason: here are the average maximum-queue times for the three biggest theme parks in Europe (10 busiest rides only), in 2023.

Some interesting insights about capacity planning to be gleaned from this; visitor numbers from 2019 are 9.8 million for Disneyland Paris, 5.8 million for Europa Park, and 5.4 million for the Efteling, so not *that* far removed.


These statistics all come from, which aggregrates queue statistics from many parks; I'd recommend looking there if you want the full data.

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(Of note: of these parks, Disneyland Paris is the only park with a paid fastpass system)

@joepie91 these numbers do nothing to dispell the rumours that Disney are keeping up those numbers artificially to sell more fastpasses 🫣

@bumblebeedc I would 100% believe it, given the general way they run their parks, although "treating their staff so poorly that operations suffer from it" is a credible second explanation

@bumblebeedc (I honestly feel like this is the biggest difference between Disneyland and the Efteling; not the exact themeing or stylistic approach, but that one is an exploitative megacorp while the other is a passion project that got out of hand - with all the operational differences that that entails)

@joepie91 definitely! While this means the Efteling doesn't always make the most logical choices, it sure means it's a park where just making a profit doesn't dictate all policies and plans. One of the core goals of the Efteling is still to be affordable to the biggest group of people, which I just love 💜

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