David Tennant, of Dr Who fame, apparently said some pro trans things and now the TERFs are going after him on Twitter. His response is that he isn't worried because, and I quote, "I'll be fine, Terfs can't climb stairs"

I want that on a T-shirt. No, I NEED that on a T-shirt!

ETA: Apparently it was a parody account that said the stairs line. I still want it on a T-shirt.

@goatsarah This is a fantastic quote even without context, but is there context to this stairs thing? Like, don't get me wrong; I am already picturing a world where TERFs cannot climb stairs and just hiss at you from below as you mock them from higher ground, but is there a reason for this?


Doctor Who spoiler (mild) 

@maloki @birdy @goatsarah Yep, there is a scene in one of the Doctor Who episodes where the Doctor and his companion are followed to a staircase,by a Dalek, and the Doctor goes "don't worry, Daleks can't climb stairs" to reassure his companion that they can escape

... only to then discover that the Daleks have, apparently, learned to climb stairs since their last encounter

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Doctor Who spoiler (mild) 

@joepie91 @maloki @birdy @goatsarah I wouldn't give that much credit to TERFs! 🤣

@joepie91 @maloki @birdy @goatsarah They are also often referred to jokingly as "Fascist Dustbins" as their design was deliberately meant to mimic the Nazis in the post war Era of DW

Which makes the "X Cant Climb Stairs" quip a brilliant way to call someone a fascist without them realising

Doctor Who spoiler (mild) 

Minor detail: not the Doctor himself, but Rose and two other guys in this crazy billionaire's bunker.
@maloki @birdy @goatsarah

Doctor Who spoiler (mild) 

@EinPhysiker @joepie91 @maloki @birdy @goatsarah

That's in the revival. The classic series had a similar scene involving the doctor. Back then the reveal, that darleks are in fact able to float up stairs was so shocking, they made it a cliff hanger. That's where this particular quote comes from. The quote with Rose goes: "it's stuck, it hasn't got legs"

Doctor Who spoiler (mild) 

I really have to make some effort to complete the classic series. Unfortunately, is not that simple 🙁
@joepie91 @maloki @birdy @goatsarah

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