
I think I'm just going to stop ever talking about JS or answering anyone's questions about it on here, because the only thing I ever seem to get in return is some JS bashing for good measure.

It's clear that people haven't internalized "think about how your words affect other people" for the less obvious topics yet. I'm exhausted and very much done with this.

Like, it's abundantly clear that I'm just not welcome to talk about it here.

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Also, on this topic, a hell of a lot of people on here could do with giving a read.

Further, and as more general commentary: being "progressive" or "radical" or whatever you want to call it, isn't determined by how many social causes you are aware of. It's not a checklist.

What matters most of all is how you respond when *you* are called out on problematic behaviour, that you didn't know was problematic yet. Whether you learn from it.

And that also applies for the more obscure problems that you weren't previously aware of at all. Like this one, for example. And this probably isn't the only one either.

@joepie91 Very good article. Thanks! I'm guilty myself of this type of behavior.

@joepie91 Fwiw, I welcome you talking about it here.

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