frontend friends, im wanting to build web apps. i have lots of infra/backend experience but almost none on the frontend (i did a lil bit of react a few years ago). i want to make a lofi app, with basically 0 backend, everything is client local. Should i use react? which framework? i want to host everything myself not pay for fucking saas hosting

your friendly nooby backend dev

@aynish react is fine, if you want to be snobby you could write it from scratch / vanilla js. But honestly as close to "default settings" react as you can get might be the easiest to get started with. For local first you just need serviceworker to cache the static assets (not sure how to set this up but hopefully there's just a switch to flip) and localstorage or indexeddb to store the data


@aynish was tempted to recommend looking at some of my projects to get a vanilla js boilerplate if you are interested... until I remembered how jank they were, evolved from a codebase that predates `fetch` , etc etc

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