oh yeah, I forgot the funniest part here: git doesn't actually store "-rw-r--r--" permissions at all! it only tracks a single executable bit: https://archive.kernel.org/oldwiki/git.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/ContentLimitations.html

so a third of the limited screen space is taken up by data that is completely fabricated; great design guys

also: the only borderline-authoritative source I could find about this fact is an old wiki on kernel.org which specifically has a banner at the top saying "obsolete content" because git is a usability garbage fire without functioning documentation but you knew that already

(it's probably mentioned somewhere in the docs but I spent like five minutes searching and could find no mention)

@technomancy git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Int mentions the three possible values a file's mode can be (normal file, executable file, symbolic link)

@SpindleyQ that would explain why I couldn't find any information about permissions, because on the page that explains the way permissions are represented, they never once use the word "permissions"

@technomancy @SpindleyQ

Lol, yeah... I wonder if this is similar to a different doc I found, where my "add the word permissions to make it searchable" PR was rejected because "they aren't called permissions, they are called file mode"

Or something

@forestjohnson @SpindleyQ oh my god; that's the most tedious and pedantic fossbro response possible

and people ask why git usability is such a shitshow


@technomancy @SpindleyQ idk if its even pedantic, I think its just toxic 🙃

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