The boom in LLMs is going to hollow out a number of knowledge-worker industries — for example, writing boilerplate code or technical documentation

Not because it does it well but because the flacks can sell upper management on the idea that it can do it at all, as @pluralistic recently pointed out

This sale is a pig-in-a-poke, and the winning move is to not be holding the bag when the actual code or documentation is found to be terrible


But there isn't really a winning move if you're one of the people getting hollowed out — for us, the game is survival until the grift collapses

So I'm thinking about what it looks like to prepare for the Collapse, and I've been making an analogy to depending on gasoline for your entire culture

(I mean, we _do_, and — after "racism", "gasoline politics" is the second good answer for "why are Americans like that")


So I see two poles for how to respond to "Peak Gasoline" in SFF

[bear with me while I digress; coming back to LLMs in a sec]

and they're basically

doomer hoarding and xenophobia (everyone for himself, and f your feelings) — think MAD MAX


Solarpunk invention of new ways of living that... just don't use gasoline (everyone's in this together, so we'd better have a community garden, build transit, and learn first aid) — think THE TERRAFORMERS (thanks @annaleen !)


So, back to LLMs, or rather, back to prepping for "Peak AI"

(It's coming, let me tell you.)

Those of us currently under attack/usurpation by the push towards AI, we can respond to this by prepping toward either pole

The doom-prepper approach is to, I dunno, start planning a consultancy on "unbefunging your company's poorly-thought-out dependency on chatgpt", or building tools to poison (or detect poisoning) for the LLMs


But what is the solarpunk approach to "Peak AI"?

Solarpunk offers a vision, in the face of gasoline, for planning community gardens, mutual aid societies, bike repair workshops, etc, even as the gasoline culture around us creaks and groans its way bloodily towards a reckoning

What is our (data science, machine learning, UX, design) equivalent of solarpunk for the concepts of automation?


What is our (data science, machine learning, UX, design) equivalent of solarpunk?

Can we even imagine a world of automation _without_ the exploitation, fantasies of infinite growth, and the increasingly unsubtle justifications for "laundering toil away"?

What are compelling visions of the future of automation that _aren't_ burying the exploitation behind an app or within a billion-parameter model?

6/fin (I think)



> What are compelling visions of the future of automation that _aren't_ burying the exploitation behind an app or within a billion-parameter model?

This is a really weird question, because you wrote:

> future of automation that _aren't_ burying the exploitation

That's a bizzare sentence structure, its almost like its using rhetoric to try to exclude the possibility that there is no exploitation.

So, I would say, that's the answer to your question. The compelling vision of the future is that.... It's not a GIVEN that there must be exploitation. That automation can be re-imagined with an "anarchist" or "humanist" value-building framework that in itself, excludes exploitation.

That was the original dream of the open-source movement pre-co-optation by the elite, i.e. the Linux Foundation.

I believe this dream is still alive in permacomputing communities, community-oriented social media hosting orgs, etc. And honestly it doesn't have much to do with LLMs. We don't really have to care about LLMs or neural network GPU farms. If they are as hamstrung and "useless" as their detractors claim, they really aren't much to be concerned with.

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