Linux distros just going and disabling critical security features like the Go Checksum Database seems like a regular occurrence. It’s unclear to me whether there’s any Linux community that I can identify with enough to run their packages.


I understand that point of view, sort of that google is "too big to fail" and so they would never dare do something like that... but IDK.. I think at least if they are gonna do that they shouldn't hide it and mislead people about it

@forestjohnson the point is that the team went out of their way to build a transparency log to make it impossible to hide misbehavior, which no other centralized language package ecosystem (all of them) did. Calling that telemetry, and a confusing error message misleading (when there’s plenty of docs about the whole thing) is… a choice.

@filippo I use the word "misleading" because pretty much every golang developer I run into (including myself before this issue thread) has no idea that this feature exists, and their mental model of what go get is doing is wrong.


> when there’s plenty of docs about the whole thing

Aka "RTFM", doesn't sound great here.

I _**know**_ it's misleading directly from my lived experience, and from hearing from 90+% of go developers who had exactly the same incorrect mental model of `go get`.

Whether it talks about this in some manual page somewhere or not doesn't really matter; no one is going to read that until after they discover that `go get` isn't doing what they expected.

The affordances and apparent behavior of the tool are the only way to "explain" this to users so they know what they're getting.



> hearing from 90+% of go developers

Sorry, this was worded poorly, what I meant was, everyone I meet who uses go tends to fall into one of three camps:

25%: Knows about go proxy and go sumdb because they read about it on a social media posts like this one

70%: Thinks that `go get` directly connects to the server domain listed in `go.mod`

5%: Knows about go proxy and go sumdb because it broke their build

I have yet to meet anyone who learned about it by reading the documentation.

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