Wow, just had a DNS provider tell me that they cannot supply our tiny two-person not-for-profit with a Data Processing Agreement unless we upgrade from the €6/mo plan we’re on to a €300/mo plan.

Basically I’m using them to set up subdomains on one domain as part of what we’re building for

I don’t even know how that’s legal.

To contrast, with Hetzner for the VPS hosting it was a couple of clicks and with Stripe, it was one click to get it set up.




Why do you need a Data Processing Agreement with your DNS provider? Is it required to make your service comply with GDPR or something ?

@forestjohnson Yeah. I’m not a lawyer but since the DNS provider will hold the IP addresses that people’s servers are hosted on, I’m assuming we need one. I might be wrong and most likely this is minor enough not to require one (and given that GDPR is not really enforced it’s not the chances of legal repercussions that worry me but I want to ensure we’re doing things right and that the providers we integrate initially are too when it comes to privacy).

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