Little tip: in the little meatballs menu (three lil dots) on each post you see on your feed there should be a "filter this post" option. You can use that to yeet that post into the void never to grace your feed again. Very useful when you've seen a post boosted for the umpteenth time and are getting sick of it, or there's an upsetting post that's managing to sneak by your filters
@eniko yes!! and I also want a "create filter from this post" type thing
at least glitch-soc has UI to dismiss notifications, but that was quite an issue for me too sometimes, with meh stuff just staying in view in that column for ages
@eniko making my own fedi client is getting stuck on all sorts of things, but there are lots of little tweak ideas like this i'd love to play around with
@eniko making my own fedi client is getting stuck on all sorts of things, but there are lots of little tweak ideas like this i'd love to play around with