Pleroma TERFs & Nazis 

Pleroma Dev and "Gleasonator" Admin, Alex Gleason on his blog.


on Pleroma...

#FuckTERFs #FuckNazis

Pleroma TERFs & Nazis 

This is why I have a general distrust of Pleroma users. I don't care that it is "more lightweight" than Mastodon. I don't care that it has extra features and multiple frontends.

Its Nazis all the way down. Even the official Pleroma website recommends Nazi-friendly instances, and their devs are openly friendly with out-and-proud Nazis.


re: Pleroma TERFs & Nazis 

@Alex yep, and even Akkoma doesn't seem to improve much on it, still listing freeze peach instances on their recommended list...

re: Pleroma TERFs & Nazis 

@f0x @Alex i did think their "we're forking pleroma" blog post was awfully lib-shit

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