Mildly spicy web advertising takes

* 468x60 static non-animated non-tracking banners for cool webcomics and weird hobby blogs are brilliant and only the most tedious of people have any problem with them at all

* blog writers and webcomic artists getting paid a couple bucks here and there for running non-intrusive ads is Good Actually

* the shittiness of web ads scales exponentially in accordance with how much money you're trying to make off them - if you want a few extra quid each month for pizza and beer money, web ads are great and useful to everyone, that's the perfect use case; if you want more money than that then ads are the wrong tool for the job, and you can in fact use the wrong tool wrong enough to destroy democracy

Edit: one more

* the fact that my adblocker will look at a 468x60 non-animated non-intrusive non-spyware banner ad for a gay webcomic and go "ah yes, this can go in the same hole as this 50 megabyte video ad for a toothbrush you bought last week, loaded with so much spyware javascript that your processor fan roars like a jet engine," by DEFAULT, is... honestly tragic. These are Different Things but, remember the most tedious people in the world I mentioned above? They made the adblocker

A reminder, I am that pissed off with the kind of horrific web advertising that google and facebook put out that I'm giving ad space away for free on Improbable Island, check it

(image description: three screenshots of banner ads I'm serving on Improbable Island, there's too many to describe properly but it's a riot of colour and text advertising webcomics, indie games, weird blogs and basically it's what you'd expect to see if you asked Fedi to come up with banner ads)


@ifixcoinops It just occurred to me how wild it is that 468x60 banner ads that were expected to span a good width of the page in the 90s are just a bit of a tight fit on a sidebar for 1080p displays

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