Gdq/agdq (now sgdq?! formerly The Speed Gamers or TSG) hires & protects a virulent transphobe to do all their art. "But they have trans women-" cmon youre smarter than that. Go ask ana/llk abt nonbinary people and trans men and esp furries and watch her be SUPER normal.

Theyve had actual nazis on these streams.

They ban trans men from chat or from helping out bc llk goes all "think of the children"

They all still contribute to "mock weirdos online" podcast the fplus (w fat shaming episodes! Theyre all super fatphobic!!!)

These ppl are all portal of evil gamers using your money to launder their reputations.


Consider that before flinging money at a "good cause"

@hi_cial I tuned in briefly
yesterday on someone's suggestion, heard an $88 dollar donation get announced, and noped right back out

What the absolute fuck.

@elfi thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaats their fanbase baby

they had notch contribute one time and were all excited and proud abt it on main until everyone's pushback was so intense they realized uhm no actually nazi boy notch is Not a fandom darling to anyone but you guys


@hi_cial Yeah! I don't want to give them the time of day at this point. I feel dirty just tuning in for as long as I did

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@elfi i think thats the problem that keeps people going back tbh? they're like i can either accept the truth and feel dirty for the support i unknowingly gave (no one should feel guilty for not knowing, its covered up by design) or continue to hang around with the toxic feelgood group giving money to nazis and decide the noisy messy queers calling them out are Wrong

and thus, on goosesteps gdq

@hi_cial Funny how getting self-conscious about it can also end up self-defeating if you're not careful, yeah. A lesson I have to keep in mind on the regular

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