
Goal Reached! (Housing mutual aid request) 

Edit 2: thank you so much everyone! I ended up with enough and a little over. I should be good this month and now have the time to figure things out for the future. <3

Original message as follows:
Hi everyone, I've been trying to find a housemate for my apartment but I've had no luck. Without someone to share the costs of the apartment with, I'm out of money and won't have enough to make rent and bills in a week even after my ODSP payment comes in. My estimated needs are $250 CAD.

I'm going to list some goods on Kijiji, but I've had little to no luck selling on there lately so I don't know if it'll actually succeed, and I don't want to put this out when it's too little, too late. If something does sell, I'll mark it in the progress, but if you can spare some funds, I'd really appreciate the help, and will do my best to pay it forward once I can.

My paypal is (redacted), thank you very much

Current progress: $250/250

Edit 1: aaaa this much support already is very appreciated ;; I hope I can help other people be happy in the future as you're making me rn

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