
I want to make sure Castle Titania's solidly enjoyable by its target demographic, middle-aged queer people like me who love fairies and nobody else, if I end up popular with the Kids(tm) instead I will cry

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@elfi put in enough tiddy and ass and lesbianisms and dialogue and the kids will run back to minecraft with guns

@elfi and kinky shit, specifically weird kinky shit if you want to ward off the purtians

@Maddyflen Sadly I'm not really a kinky sort myself, so not much to add there that wouldn't turn me off making the game either :<

@elfi @Maddyflen the bondage fairies are on the border of fae society and they help watch for encroachment

ofc they're not in the castle

@deejvalen @Maddyflen I guess Titania being twice the player's size counts as a kink?

@elfi Actual children or just disaster queers living a childhood they were never allowed to have? It's harder than you think!

@dequbed Disaster queers don't usually turn into FNAF-obsessed puriteens

@elfi Do I even *want* to know what a puriteen is? I'm afraid to google that :blobcatfearful:

@dequbed Basically gen-Zers who are obsessed with keeping community spaces squeaky-clean and shaming anyone who deviates from that.

@elfi This is something I've worried about myself, because that feels not too far off from people labeling something as being targeted at kids (even if it's not). And then *that* doesn't feel like it's far off from bad-faith accusations.

@NovaSquirrel Oh yeah, I know that for sure. I've heard of some *weird* shit levelled at people just for being furries in their 30s and it has me so tired

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