a lot of emojis interspersed 

@annieversary . Hello :blobcat: annie :blobcateyes:​ Versary 👉 where might i find the :blobcatlisten:​ stemmy 📖 source 🐱‍💻 code❓

i would like it so the <audio>s sync on the song page

a lot of emojis interspersed 

@ckie uhhh stemmy isnt open source and i have no plans to do that any time soon either ^^'
the reason why they arent synced is that a lot of times, people dont provide aligned stems. like they provide a 30 sec audio for a lead, a 2 min audio for the drums, and a 10 sec audio for the ending effects. if you play them all at once, its not gonna sound good, and if i provide a button that does that, and it sounds bad, it reflects poorly on both my website and the uploaded song. i hope that makes sense!
you can probably write a couple line script to run on the console that .play()s all the audios on the page if you really need this

re: a lot of emojis interspersed 

@annieversary aww

i wish capitalism didn't

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