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I wrote this important thread, please read if you can and boost for visibility. :boost_ok:

Here's how to react if someone is having a generalized tonic-clonic seizure in front of you!

Different situations are taken into account to give as much info as possible.

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Thanks to efforts by volunteers Nosamu and bai0, the Internet Archive's flash emulation just jumped generations ahead.

Mute/Unmute works. The screen resizes based on the actual animation's information. And for a certain group who will flip their lid:

We can do multi-swf flash now!

A pile of previously "broken" flashes will join the collection this week.

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@funnypanja here's a digital version that wasn't done with the 5 felt-tips I had to hand on a foolscap pad.

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Partially blind guy here with an #a11y PSA:

I'm seing a trend away from "Text Size" sliders or old fashioned font dialogs and towards a few set choices "Default", "Large","Larger", etc.

This is a HUGE step backwards. Your 'larger' is *never* large enough for my crazy busted eyeballs when I'm using my 34" monitor.

If you must do this, please be sure to add "Largest" and even "ZOMG ARE YOU SERIOUS LARGE" options. Some of us REALLY need them, even if it seems insane to you.

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I’m a Blind technologist and i’ve built the Dimensions Lab for #accessible tactile graphics and #3d models at New York Public Library. With the right tools, skill-building opps and community support, Blind people can break out of image poverty and excel at spatial thinking + design. This is me waving hello to folks in #Vis #Art #Graphics & #CreativeCoding

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This is wild! Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis have created a prototype real-time monitor that can detect any of the SARS-CoV-2 virus variants in a room in about 5 minutes. They adapted a micro-immunoelectrode to use llama nanobodies that recognize SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins combined with a wet-cyclone sampler running at 1000 l/m. They oxidize tyrosines on the virus surface and measure with square wave voltammetry. #Covid

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