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I live in the deep south and don't have any other #trans people to ask questions to. I know there is no "right way" to be trans but I have so many questions about others' experience. I think I'm gonna ask questions here since I've never seen a more supportive group of people. Please feel free to boost for visibility and feel free to let me know if I'm too much.

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Incredibly thoughtful post from the mods of the instance. This line in particular struck me as a good description of the challenges inherent in anti-abuse work:

“The moderator role is not so much one of an arbiter of truth, but a role that seeks to understand conflicts, assist in mediation where necessary, and to facilitate a healthy, expressive environment in alignment with our instance's values and code of conduct.”

Will follow in this thread with some additional CW’ed commentary

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please boost and support: the science museum of minnesota has unionized and is facing an immense anti-union campaign by leadership. the museum is run by venture capitalists who are desperate to undermine the unionizing effort and public and staff perception of it. please voice your support and sign their public petition to demand better from leadership to support their workers

#smmworkersunion #union #smm #minnesota

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Hand Talk, or Plains Sign Talk, is a trade language that was once the lingua franca across what is now central Canada, the central and western United States and northern Mexico, used among the various Plains Nations.

Some of the signs are similar to ASL (like tree and grow). Although there is no sign for name, so the word "call" is used when asking someone for their name:

(Images, William Tokins 1926)

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If you're approached about joining Qoto's UFoI (United Federation of Instances), don't. Qoto started it because they got pissy people were defeding from them because they refuse to themselves defederate from fash instances. Some of the instances ON their UFoI are fash instances.

Qoto are *not* representative of the 'good' spaces on fedi, and if you're invested in curating a safe space for marginalised folk on your instance, you should distance yourselves from Qoto.

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Anybody know of any good transgender historical fiction books? I'm looking to get some trans books as Xmas presents for a newly out trans woman friend, and she loves historical fiction (and alt-history).

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pls boost am testing gotosocial concurrency

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For some context on my current instance setup, it's using nothing but free tiers of various cloud services until I get a good estimate of how much resources I would need to dedicate to running my own instance locally.

So far we're capping out at 30GB of media storage. 3GB of Database storage, and comfortable use of less than 1GB of ram and 1vCPU.

I'm thinking it's feasible to self host this very soon, once I get my newly liberated thin clients set up.

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genuine question, where are all the SWers the fediverse supposedly has?

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if there is one thing that has followed me from social media platform to social media platform, it's being followed by white people who follow black folks and treat us like novelty items to collect. specifically novelty items that somehow reaffirm the idea that their online world isn't a wall of value-size mayonnaise jars at Costco.

and what's funny is they think they're being slick. when in actually it's painfully obvious.

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on twitter it was obvious in its insidiousness. being put on twitter lists with titles like "race" and "PoCs to follow" "anti-racists" and other things i wouldn't ever use to describe myself, ever.

on fedi, its the weird performances in my mentions that really seal it for me.

but regardless of where i am, what remains is that i'm not seen as a person whose personhood isn't meant to exist in relation to lofty anti-racist performances on social media.

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"Ugh! Laughing at someone unable to do this simple act isn't ableist!"

We all struggle in different ways. It's amazing how many people take for granted what they can do, until they can't do it anymore.

Seriously. Many simple tasks are out of reach for disabled people.

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A quick thing — can you please boost?

I'm looking for an an artist to commission a character design piece for noncommercial public use. Since this piece would depict an agender character, I would love if a trans or nonbinary artist could be the one I commission!

If you know of anyone who has commissions open that seems a good fit for this, please let me know!

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No doubt the bigotry in this space is annoying. Still, in many cases, it's less annoying than Good White People™, who 'just want to understand' and badger me for information I've discussed at length, can find on their own and/or completely ignore the context of what I have already said.

The way white people just expect me to drop what I'm doing and explain the ENTIRE social and cultural context of the fedi to them FOR FREE because they are too lazy to do a shred of labor is an easy way to show me they don't give a shit.

If you want to be viewed and treated as a reasonable and intelligent person, you need to act like one.

This is not a high bar.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.