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born too late to explore the seas,

too early to explore the stars,

but at least a machine washes my dirty dishes

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Reasonable Colors is an open-source colour system for making accessible colour palettes.

It uses an intuitive system of shades to help you select colours which meet the appropriate WCAG contrast rating, even if you're mixing and matching base colours:

#opensource #design #ui #uidesign #color #colour #accessibility

Hi uh, catarot is up and working, I guess. If you're into wireless receipt printers that look like cats printing out tarot readings.

I haven't done much doc work for it, and likely won't. The original branch is

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A common piece of advice about visual descriptions is to do them like you're describing for a friend on the phone with you. Well, by the time you've gone through the color of someone's hair, sweater, pants, and counted the number of their eyelashes, your poor friend has gone to sleep or hung up! Come on, is that what REALLY gives you the feels about someone you're looking at? How about the fact that they're wearing a torn shirt that reads "fuck the cops, and not in a fun way?" That they smell like the ocean and flowers? That they LOOK like they'd smell like the ocean and flowers, and fuck if you know what you mean by that but it's true in that moment so live with it? You'll make your friend laugh at your ridiculousness and love you all that more for the goof you are (or block your number, idk), isn't that so much more fun than blue sweaters and green pants?

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Life update, work, mildly stressful things but fine 

New job and partner things are taking up a lot of brain space, so I haven't been on as much.

New job is going well. I just had the healthiest, most lively pr the other day and it really underscored how unhelpful the feedback I got at my last place was.

Partner is moving out from an unhealthy living situation this week and has a pretty major surgery next week. I'm helping out.

I'm stressed but okay. Things should settle a bit soon.

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I think the most important thing I can say is:
If there are kids/teens close in your life that might be Having Gender Feelings, or have expressed that they're trans -- acceptance is good but not remotely enough. Don't just be 'cool' about it. You need to be actively loving and supportive. Because they are trying so so hard, and being met with casual acceptance may be less than they need even if they don't know it. They are dealing with grief, and fear, and confusion, and new joy, and so, so vulnerable. Talk about that with them.

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as someone born w/o the organs that produce primary sex hormones, I continue to be aghast that you’re not allowed to stock up on the stuff that, y’know, *lets you continue to have bones*

you’re just expected to continuously pay doctors for the right to be okay for a few months

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the Vibes Difference between having christmas lights strung up around your workspace and having Gamer LEDs on things

Vegetarian, non vegan food 

I put hoisin sauce on my egg and peppers hash this morning. It was a good idea.

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The Unicorn Express is a (U.S-based) community-supported effort established in response to the widespread banning of books that are written by LGBTQ+ authors, feature LGBTQ+ storylines, and/or discuss gender and sexuality. The Unicorn Express sends free LGBTQ+ titles by mail to LGBTQ+ youth living in states and/or districts where bans have been put in place.

Use the links below to request books or support our efforts.
xo, the unicorns

Food, gifts, children/babies, weird 

For the holidays a friend of mine was given a bag of tiny plastic babies. This bag of babies has now drifted amongst the bachelors for the last few months.

Today, they're discussing making pastries together and it took me a little while to realize that they're optimizing baked good recipes for hiding plastic babies in.

I love my friends.

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Help with COVID-19 vaccinations and testing for people with disabilities 

"The Disability Information and Access Line (DIAL) is available to help people with disabilities get vaccinated and access COVID-19 tests. The DIAL's trained staff is standing by to:

— Help find local vaccination locations
— Assist with making vaccination appointments
— Help connect to available testing options, including help with ordering free at-home test kits through the program announced by the White House on January 14.
— Connect callers to local services – such as accessible transportation – to overcome barriers to vaccination and testing.

Call 888-677-1199 Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Eastern)
or email "

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Join the clowns in #CircusInPlace as they start another week of acrobatic training. You'll get to see some cool stuff, and we'll be grateful for the company.

It's a weird-win and a win-win. Possibly a weird-weird too.

The fun starts at 8pm UTC-6, and runs all night:


I did really well at today's!


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the whole "you don't need to do [x] thing to be trans, u can just BE trans" like, came from a pretty good place but i feel like is way too often used to shut down trans people who Want to be able to do [x] thing

Valentine's day, asking for music submissions, please boost 

Hi fedi friends! I'm looking for music I haven't heard before, can you help?

My fembyfriend and I are planning a lovely romantic dinner for valentine's day, and I was hoping to fill the soundtrack with what folks on mastodon are writing and making. Here's my plan:

1. Ask for track submissions from y'all lovely folx
2. Pay/donate $2 USD per track for submitter's time and trouble (maybe like up to 3 tracks per person?)
3. Screen none of the submissions in any way, just download them and set up a play list
4. Have a lovely dinner with my partner and enjoy the strange, wild, wonderful art of mastodon

All genres are welcome, all instrumentations, etc, no need to try to make it romantic. We're expecting a little adventure. No need for perfect sound, a cellphone microphone in a quiet room is fine quality-- I'm hard of hearing, so my speaker setup isn't terribly high fidelity.

The music/sound does need to be something that you created, or helped create, and that legally, I can download. Happy to give money to mutual aid recipient of your choice if you'd rather. Links to specific tracks of yours on bandcamp etc welcome, but please suggest tracks rather than albums or discographies. 💙


Tech (goofy), Cyberia, mask mention 

So we gave up on media over temple, and instead set some wifi (wled) enabled lights and changed them via plan 9. Successfully, eventually. All six of us cheered when we got it.

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Tech (goofy), Cyberia, mask mention 

Layer Zero, our physical space, has craft night tonight. We're all in very good masks, etc, and are up to date on our security patches.

We're working on setting up a media station, but realized we needed an os. Someone had temple downloaded as a joke, but that's all we had. We're trying to get it on the media laptop now, just because.

We are delighted, joyful children in a sandbox and this feels silly and fun.

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Covid poll (not pol), boost for viz 

As of January 20th 2022 have you:

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.